November Travel Horoscopes

With the holidays right around the corner and the ever stressful Thanksgiving travel waiting at the end of the month, a little travel horoscope prediction by KGlyphics is always good to keep in your back pocket.  Safe journeys and enjoy a little turkey for me!

Aquarius January 20 – February 18


Aquarians travel focus will be surrounded by a deep caring male figure in their life. It could be a husband, boyfriend, father or close friend. They deeply care about you but may not always express it. If you do get a chance to go out, Aquarians, it will be near water. Possibly in a party city, but socially drinking may be a focus of your traveling, Aquarians. Maybe you’ll see your favorite band in concert? Or to a bachelor party? Somewhere where you can express your hearts’ desire.

Pisces February 19 – March 20


Delays and setbacks are the theme for Pisces this coming November. If you plan to travel for the holidays be warned that your trip will most definitely be delayed.

Aries March 21 – April 19


This sign may get an invitation from a love interest or a friend to go do some traveling. Somewhere near water, that is romantic and may be a place they have been dreaming of for awhile.

Taurus April 20 -May 20


Travel for your Taurus will be out of passion, maybe visiting a friend, or significant other? You’ll be traveling alone though. But some sort of passion of yours will be the focus or reason of your travels, Taurus, for November.

Gemini May 21 – June 20


If travel happens for you Gemini it will be hard on your wallet! I know for the USA Americans will be celebrating Thanksgiving in November, and see family you haven’t seen in awhile is important, but also taking care of yourself is important as well. Don’t be afraid to ask for help financially, and/or make sacrifices. Sometimes skipping on a family reunion maybe better for your wallet and financial situation later on!

Cancer June 21 – July 22


Cancer, you’ll be traveling with someone else whose a close friend this coming month. Maybe it is to a group of friends celebrating something, or creating a new foundation or meeting a new group of friends.

Leo July 23 – August 22


Leo, you’ll be having a really good time emotionally wherever you go! Travel maybe near water, or with a friend you really care about. You might travel alone, or meetup with a friend at a favorite destination. I don’t see you traveling very far, Leo, definitely close to home.

Virgo August 23 – September 22


Virgo, you’ll be visiting with family for the month of November, and growing closer bonds as a result. Pre-established relationships and friendships, are definitely the focus for your travel this coming month Virgo, take advantage of these trips to get to know someone you don’t know very well in your family and/or group of friends!

Libra September 23 – October 22


Libra, if you do have travel plans you might be feeling a bit under the weather and may decide to stay home. Sometimes its OK to take sometime to rest and recover from life. Don’t forget to communicate this to your parties though if you do decide to stay home, sometimes when we’re feeling under the weather, we forget these things.

Scorpio October 23 – November 21


For November, Scorpio, there could be a falling out in regards to your travel plans. Or travel anxiety might get the best of you. Don’t worry though, this too shall pass and know it is just a phase. If you have made plans in October, it might fall through as it was probably made during Mercury Retrograde. Don’t let this incident hurt you though, the good thing is you’ll be able to pick up the pieces and move on.

Sagittarius November 22 – December 21


In November, Sagittarius you’ll be visiting family! If you celebrate American Thanksgiving you’ll have a great time and it’ll provide some stability in your life. Sometimes we need to get away in order to disconnect to reconnect. It’s OK to let yourself do this and if you do, you’ll be glad you did in the end! Sometimes families put aside struggles for the holidays and focus on what really matters during the holidays – family.

Capricorn December 22 – January 19


For November, Capricorn, you may be the host of someone. Someone may be coming to your house and be visiting you! Don’t be afraid to unleash your knowledge of your hometown or city. Sometimes guests don’t do adequate research before arriving. You’ll feel like running around and putting things together last minute. Travel may be for you in November, but I think you’ll be returning the favor by hosting someone!

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